Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday. November 7. 2010. Quick (and final) Update!

SDGLKJSDHGSLOGIHLWREKGHLKDJFGH SLG<EHF:OLGHSDLGJKSHRGW:EGIOAHSDLGJKHSLDGKJHWQ:LIEUGHWLIJNVSNC<MSNDG ----- that is all my confusion. frustration. anger. curiosity. impatience. etc. etc. all right there!
So of course, Verizon is being extremely ridiculous right now... I'm dying to get the iPhone but I hate waiting! I've been waiting this whole year actually... and it still isn't here. Now reports say that it's coming in January 2011, but who know's if that's true! It most likely isn't. So, I need a new phone. I have the black env 2 and it absolutely sucks. I hate it. Sorry phone. I loved you and wanted you so badly at first, but now you just suck. And I want the iPhone, but it's not at Verizon and AT&T's service is horrible and my parents would never switch............
I could get a new phone now, and the iPhone will probably come right when I get a new phone, or it just won't come at all. I hate waiting. I'm very impatient. And waiting for the iPhone is tough!

Please please please Verizon get the iPhone, very soon!!


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